Monday, January 25, 2010

MPF 2 - No More Kings

Yeah, I have no idea what I was thinking with the numbers I had for the first ep.

This story was written, edited, and recorded in less than twelve hours. Wow. It's a little shorter than last week's, and it wasn't the story I thought it would be, but I hope you enjoy it!

Download MPF2.mp3


  1. Wonderful story. I thought your word usage was excellent. Very descriptive. The images of the courtroom and the characters came easily to my mind. I was quickly absorbed in the story.

    From listening to your comments afterward, I think you were successful in writing an absorbing 'end game' that fed us an overview of the events that came before. I can easily see myself sitting down to read, or listen to, each of the previous king's and queen's demise, knowing the final outcome, but still being absorbed in the individual tale.

    You're awesome. Keep it up.


  2. A great story Zach, thanks. I liked the old wizard and would like to see his adventures unfold. I can see him roaming around helping people and leaving a blossom of magic planted in the heart and minds he touched.

    All the time keeping one step ahead of the hord chasing him for revenge for the masters defeat. Yet always getting away until that one day in season 7 when his old wery bones lay at the feet of the son of the welder of gate crasher (His name consumed by the sword for power). Then the people who he had helped come to his aid with magic and hostess snack cakes.

    Thanks nice story.


